Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Britney Spears Still Under Dad's Control

A Los Angeles Superior Court Commissioner extended the conservatorship over Britney Spears' estate until July 31, leaving Spears' father Jamie in control, a court spokesman confirmed on Wednesday (March 6).

Mr. Spears and his attorney have been in charge of Britney's affairs since the court first gave him control on February 1, following her hospitalization - which was her second hospital stay since her January 3 standoff with police at her Beverly Hills home.

Superior court spokesman Allan Parachini informed of the decision saying, "I can confirm that the order was issued this afternoon, but I don't know the attorneys' motives."

Spears seems to have benefited from her father's control, as she has been teaching childrens dance classes at the Millenium Dance Studio for several weeks, and has visited her two sons regularly since she was last released from hospital.

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